
Design Mistakes to Avoid for Non-Designers

back to school, education, learning

Design isn't just for professionals with years of experience. Whether you're an entrepreneur, blogger or social networking enthusiast, having a notion of design can greatly impact your work. However, venturing into design without formal training can easily lead to common pitfalls. The importance of design is often underestimated by [...]

Influence Marketing: Striking a balance

influence, internet, social media

Dans le dédale scintillant du marketing moderne, le marketing d’influence s’est imposé comme un phénomène puissant façonnant le comportement des consommateurs. En tant qu’observateur averti de ces mutations commerciales, je défends une approche équilibrée : un marketing d’influence éthique qui honore l’intelligence du consommateur et sème les graines de décisions conscientes et réfléchies. Le marketing […]

Deciphering Cialdini's 6 Principles of Persuasion: A Guide to Contemporary Marketing

board, blackboard, words

In an ever-changing marketing landscape, an understanding of the mechanisms of persuasion proves invaluable. The six principles established by Robert Cialdini in his key work "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" remain timelessly relevant, providing a springboard for innovative marketing strategies that respect and value the consumer. The [...]